Me gusta leer y ver la tele

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Smallville Six

At long last I finished watching the sixth season of Smallville. I bought it a while ago when I found it on sale, but I had to watch the last two seasons of The X-Files before I could get to Clark's adventures. And even though it didn't blow me away, I enjoyed this season.

The first half of the season was so-so, and even though there were no bad episodes, there weren't any great episodes either. I didn't like Lana's attitude, and I didn't care for the Phantom Zone storyline all that much (except for when uberhot Raya was involved). Then, with episodes like Crimson and Trespass, the show got interesting again, and I think it was because they were trying to channel the feel the first couple of seasons had. The story became more romantic once again, and you can call me a cheeseball if you want to, but I've always thought that was the greatest strength Smallville had. I like the action, I like the mysteries, but what I like above all is the relationships between the characters. I thought they didn't do a very good job for the first half of the season, but that changed for the better.

Of course, I won't spoil anything for anybody, but I still recommend Smallville to everyone. The show might be past its prime (I think seasons one, two, four, and five were better), but I still enjoy it very much, so give Clark a chance!


Nash said...

La chica no esta mal, pero a la que le sienta bien la bandera de los USA es a mi amiga Carisma Carpenter.
La serie esta entretenida, pero me recuerda demasiado a Buffy, joder no iria a un instituto donde fuesen esos dos ni de coña, tienen el indice más alto de muerte juveniles de la historia de la televión. Creo que Smallville en realida es Sunyday( o como puñetas se escriba, que a mi me suena así)

Mario Alba said...

Las fotos de la Carpenter no estaban nada mal, hehehe. Y tanto Smallville como Buffy son estupendas :)