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Monday, December 12, 2011

Butlers of the Sea

Here you have a picture I finally found time to draw after having had it in my head for about two months. Back in early October, when my wife and I went to Cumberland Island, the armies of crabs who live there made me realize that crabs look like butlers, what with the way they walk and how they hold their big pincers up. Next thing you know, the idea for this picture had formed in my head, but I've been busy pursuing other artistic endeavors and it is only now that I've found the time to commit it to paper. I think the picture turned out cute and funny, and I hope you both like it and join me in thanking crabs for all they do. We really appreciate it.


Nash said...

Este sera el camarero sarcastico del restaurante pijo al que van los protas de Animal-office, que pronto podremos disfrutar en nuestras pantallas.
Esta muy chulo el dibujo.

Mario Alba said...

Hahahaha. Tiene pinta de ser un camarero sarcástico, es verdad. Me alegro de que te guste :)

Nash said...

Bueno pues ya te toca poner con los guiones y los dibujos que el primer episodio tiene que salir pronto :-)

Mario Alba said...

Si por "pronto" quieres decir en algún momento en los próximos 12 meses, entonces puede que salga pronto, hahaha.