Me gusta leer y ver la tele

Monday, May 25, 2009

Granny Animated

I recently had a chance to watch Wyrd Sisters, an animated version of the great Discworld book by Terry Pratchett. The movie was released in 1997, and it follows the book very closely. The quality of the animation and (especially) the drawings is even worse than mediocre, but the story is so interesting, the dialogue so funny (hey, it's Pratchett, after all), and the voice acting so spot-on, that after a while I found myself ignoring the crappy visuals and just enjoying the tale.

For those of you who haven't read the book yet, Wyrd Sisters is the first novel in "the witches" thread (I don't think you can count Equal Rites), and it stars Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg, and Magrat Garlick, the three witches from Lancre, a small kingdom in the Ramtops. Even though the character design was frankly quite poor, the witches really looked the way they're supposed to, if poorly rendered, and that made me happy. Also, their voices were great, and they were a lot of fun to watch.

Still, only hardcore fans of Terry Pratchett's Discworld should give this movie a try, and even them should approach the film with an open mind regarding production values. If you manage to get past that (quite a feat), then you'll like what you see… hmmm… hear… Whatever.


Anonymous said...

WS es el siguiente Discworld que me toca leer. Ya tengo ganas de conocer a Nanny y a Magrat, la verdad.

¿Y que es eso de que Equal Rites no cuenta? ¿Ein?

Mario Alba said...

Confieso que apenas recuerdo nada de Equal Rites, así que a lo mejor me estoy poniendo en evidencia al hacer tal afirmación. Sin embargo, que yo recuerde, las tres brujas no son las protagonistas, aunque creo recordar que sí hay una Weatherwax involucrada en el asunto. Pero, ¿es Granny? Creo que no...

Anonymous said...

Una de las prinicpales protagonistas de ER era Granny Weatherwax, si no recuerdo mal. Las otras dos brujas no aparecian, eso si. La historia giraba en torno a Esk, una chica que Granny entrena para ser bruja, pero cuyo destino es ser la primera mujer mago de Discworld. O la primera en muchisimo tiempo, al menos.

Mario Alba said...

O sea, que hay brujas, pero no es un libro de las brujas. No?