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Sunday, August 02, 2009

On the Plane

I drew this picture on the plane while I was flying from Atlanta to San Diego on my way to the San Diego Comic Con. Delta didn't misplace my bag this time, so I guess I have nothing to complain about, but this picture was long overdue, so here you have it. Besides, I think "How can we aggravate you today?" should be the motto for every single airline on the planet. Or, at least, all the ones I've flown with. Who knows, maybe it is their secret motto, and we just don't know. I, for one, wouldn't be surprised.


alberto said...

¿Noto cierta hostilidad (seguramente merecida) hacia las aerolineas?

Mario Alba said...

Noooooo, qué va. ¿Por qué lo dices?