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Monday, October 03, 2011

A Clock

The third picture for my FITT poster is a clock, or, more precisely, "twelve hours." I was going to draw a cuckoo-clock, but, in the end, I decided to keep things simple and go with a more straightforward illustration. Also, I was trying to work as fast as possible (the first three pictures took me two hours to complete from beginning to end as I worked simultaneously on all three of them), so this rather simple design suited me fine. I hope you like it!


Nash said...

Me gusta el dibujo pero sobretodo el diseño de las agujas para marcar las horas, muy original. Seguro que se puede hacer un reloj con ese diseño y triunfa

Mario Alba said...

Que tiemble Swatch!

Nash said...

Pues si que seria de su estilo, un posible cliente....

Mario Alba said...

Hahaha. No es mala idea :)