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Sunday, July 03, 2011

Panta Rei

It's true that everything changes, especially when it comes to bands: band members come and go, band names change time and again... And thus the band formerly known as Gateway 2 Nowhere, for whom I had already drawn a couple of logos in the past, decided to change their moniker to Sacrifice to Survive. Just like they said the last time, they wanted me to draw something "very metal" for their logo, and just like before, my grasp of things "metal" seems to be tenuous at best. I thought about skulls and candles. I considered scythes and bats. I toyed with battle axes and gallons of blood. And, in the end, when I set pencil to paper, this strange thing happened on the blank page without even thinking about it. Even though I'm uncertain of its merits as a "very metal" logo, I am positive this is kind of a weird thing to have drawn, so who knows? Maybe my customers will like it, after all. Let me know if you do!


Nash said...

Este logo mola más y el nombre tambien.

Anonymous said...

Buen logo. ¿Les gustó o no, al final?

Mario Alba said...

Pues el caso es que aún no lo han visto, aunque su madre les ha dicho que no les deja cambiarse el nombre, así que lo mismo da, hahaha.

Anonymous said...

Jojojo. No es muy metal eso, ¿no?

Mario Alba said...

No, la verdad :)