Me gusta leer y ver la tele

Monday, July 27, 2009

Denizens VI

We saw this guy in the background on page two of Worlds Collide. If you remember, Halagan guessed what his shirt said, even though we could only see about three letters. I really like this guy's face, and the hair also works for me. I have no idea who he is, and I only know he likes sports. Still, he was a lot of fun to draw, and I wouldn't mind exploring his personality in the future. Now there's a thought…


Mario Alba said...

Ya he vuelto de San Diego (anoche). A ver si empiezo a escribir la crónica del viaje y la pongo pronto!

Nash said...

Si, queremos la crónica y las fotos del evento.

Nash said...
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Mario Alba said...

Quiero escribirla hoy, así que a ver si la semana que viene la voy poniendo. Constará de cinco partes, una por día, así que id preparándoos.