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Friday, June 12, 2009

Movie Rumors

A couple of rumors that have reached my always-attentive ears in the last couple of weeks.

The first one is about a remake of the old Buffy movie. Apparently, since vampires are hot right now (the Twilight books and the HBO show True Blood are probably the best examples), somebody has come to the conclusion Buffy is ripe for a makeover. While I wouldn't be opposed to the notion (after all, I love the character), two things make me wonder what is going to happen. One, that no actors from the TV show will be involved in the movie (whaaaat?). And two, that Joss Whedon himself will not be part of the project either (double whaaaat?). So what do you think? Is it going to suck, or yes?

The second rumor is also related to TV shows and their movie counterparts. For the longest time, we have been hearing rumors about an A-Team movie. I've never been opposed to studios making movies out of old TV shows, but now that the time to remake the TV shows I grew up with has come, well, I'm not that happy about it anymore. At any rate, and whether I want it to happen or not, it looks like the movie will be made, so it doesn't really matter. What matters is the cast, and that is something I have been thinking about for a long, long time. (Apparently, I have lots of free time in which to devote myself to such intellectual and scholarly disquisitions.) Who would you cast as the charismatic and beloved John "Hannibal" Smith? Who could replace Dwight Schultz as Murdock? (IMDB lists Woody Harrelson as “rumored”.) Well, I just read that Bradley Cooper is in talks to play Templeton "Faceman" Peck (will he drive a Corvette?), and Liam Neeson has been talking about playing Hannibal. (IMDB lists Bruce Willis as “rumored.”) Liam Neeson as Hannibal? Hmmm… What do you think? Could this work? Who would you cast if you were given the choice?


Nash said...

No se si son buenas noticas o malas lo que se lee aqui. Lo del equipo A espero que lo actualicen a la guerra del golfo y no sigan con lo de vietnam. Lo de parece que sera un poco desastre.

Mario Alba said...

Sí, han dicho que no será la guerra de Vietnam, sino otra más reciente. También han dicho que quieren que la peli sea más seria que la serie, aunque espero que conserven parte del humor de la serie. Ya veremos...

Nash said...

El otro dia vi un episodio en la tele y espero que mejoren todo y mucho.

Mario Alba said...

No debería ser demasiado difícil, hahaha.

Nash said...

Hoy he leido la funesta noticia de que van a empezar a rodar indi 5, y lo peor de todo es que Spilberg dice que pasa y que todo lo va a llevar nuestro amigo Lucas...creo que otra peli a saco de las pelis que nunca existieron.

Mario Alba said...

Lo único que yo he leído es que Spielberg por fin ha encontrado una idea con respecto a qué artefacto podría buscar Indy. De ahí a que se vaya a empezar a rodar la película, si es que sucede, hay un mundo. Ya veremos qué pasa...