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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Never Say Never

Had you told me a few weeks ago that I would be drawing a picture of Justin Bieber in the near future, I would have told you your tarot deck was short a card. What business did I have drawing the teen idol? None whatsoever. Or I didn't, until one of my students asked for a picture of JB for her yearbook and brought me tons of photographs as reference. What was I supposed to do? I said sure, and accepted the challenge.

The picture turned out cute, I think, but regardless of the end result, I have to say I enjoyed drawing this silly thing, so, all things considered, I guess I win in the end. I mean, right?


Nash said...

Noooooooooooooo, con la de cosas chulas que puedes dibujar y haces eso.

Mario Alba said...

Yo también te quiero :)

huitzilin said...

He's so... pretty. There's no other way to say it. :)

alberto said...

Piénsalo así. Cuando te acabes dedicando a esto profesionalmente, es probable que tengas que dibujar cosas que no te molen, pero que pagan las facturas. Con esto vas cogiendo experiencia en tragar bilis. ;)

Mario Alba said...

Es una buena forma de mmirarlo, hahaha.