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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Unreasonably Ageless

I’ve just finished reading The Shadows of God, the fourth and last installment of the great steampunk fiction saga The Age of Unreason, by J. Gregory Keyes -aka Greg Keyes, yuuzhan vong depicter-. That, BTW, has been one of the many main reasons for my not-so-sudden disappearance from the blog. My utter lack of self-discipline played an important role, too. Who am I kidding?
Well, the point is that, after hearing to anxiety finn5fel’s innumerable speeches of the “oh-so-great-this-saga-is-you-have-to-read-it” kind, and after his most appreciate birthday gift –the books themselves, that is-, I finally decided myself to read it. And what a great decision that was! All the virtues that finn5fel assured me were there, there they were, and much, much more.
So, if you like a historical background with a slightly sci-fi touch, or if you like character development, or if you like excellently-written dialogues, or if what you like are great battles and world-changing events, or if you simply want to have a great time with a riveting story that, actually, is good literature too, then the choice is obvious. A saga that goes directly to the top ten of my favourite readings.


Mario Alba said...

What a GREAT saga! Greg Keyes rules! Yeah, Halagan's right. I pestered him until he read those four books (the first three being Newton's Cannon, A Caluculus of Angels, and Empire of Unreason), and I'm glad he wasn't disappointed. I mean, how could anybody be disappointed by such an AWESOME work of fiction? Go read it, everybody, and thank us later.

Anonymous said...

finn5fel wrote:
"How could anybody be disappointed by such an AWESOME work of fiction?"

Amen, man.

Mario Alba said...

By the way, I find it interesting that you labeled AoU as "steampunk". I'm not really sure it is steampunk, but I can see why it could kinda be... At any rate, it's a truly terrific series, and I can't stress that enough.

Anonymous said...

Well, I didn't even know what steampunk was before a link to AoU carried me to its definition. I'm not really sure either, so... let's the experts argue over that. It's no that important.
Okay, BTW, this is the fourth comment about how much great AoU really is. And it is. Oh, it really is. Someone read the books!

Mario Alba said...

Sí que es verdad que el tuyo es el cuarto, y con éste van cinco. El problema es que esto se está convirtiendo en una sociedad de admiración mutua, pues tú y yo somos prácticamente los únicos que hacemos comentarios y nos los contestamos. Pero bueno. Just think of how much fun it is.
And, people of the world, READ the AGE OF UNREASON books! NOW!