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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Looking for a Logo IV

The last conversation I had with my girlfriend regarding what the logo for her farm should look like included her mentioning the possibility of adding other animals in the final logo. Taking into account everything that we had already discussed, I drew the fourth version of the Storybook Farm logo, which you can see next to these lines. She really liked the font I had used for the second variant of my first idea, so I stuck with it. Since she liked the horse head from the second design, I basically combined the font from the first sketch and the layout of the second. Finally, since she wanted some more animals in the logo, I added a zebra swallowtail butterfly (we saw one at the farm just the other day), and a dragonfly (she loves them), and tried to balance the composition by having one creature on each side and one in the middle. Finally, I added the "Equine Rescue" line underneath, and showed her the final product. Fortunately, she loved it, so maybe we'll use it in signs and stickers. Isn't that exciting? At any rate, I hope you enjoyed this little series of posts.


Nash said...

Demasiado rococo creo yo, pero bueno tu decides cual es el mejor.

Mario Alba said...

Hahaha. Sí que es un poco recargado, pero es el que más le ha gustado a Crystal, y como es para ella, pues ella decide:)