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Friday, December 11, 2009

Good Really Good

I had wanted to go see Gone Baby Gone when it opened back in 2007, but I ended up not doing it. Still, I hadn't forgotten about Ben Affleck's directorial debut, and I added it to my Netflix queue. I didn't know what to expect, other than it was supposed to be good. I remembered the good reviews and Amy Ryan's Oscar nomination for best-supporting actress, and I knew super cute Michelle Monaghan had a big part in the movie. So why did it take me so long? I don't know, but now that I've seen it, I can only say: go watch this movie. Right now.

Are you back? I'm going to go ahead and assume you really liked it, and as well you should. Casey Affleck does a great job as the young detective trying to find little Amanda, a three-year-old girl who has been kidnapped, and Ed Harris, Morgan Freeman, and the aforementioned Amy Ryan are superb in their different supporting roles. The acting was phenomenal, and the writing was so good it made me remember that, a long time ago, Ben Affleck won an Oscar for writing Good Will Hunting. This time it's not an original story but rather an adaptation of a novel by Dennis Lehane, but it doesn't matter. The dialogue is crisp and fast and rings true to your ears, and the story keeps surprising you as it develops. It looks like Affleck should focus less on starring in big blockbusters (or big flops) and more on writing and directing small films. If this is any indication of what's to come, I, for one, can't wait to see what he comes up with next. Go watch this movie!

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