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Friday, April 13, 2007

My First Photoshopped Picture

Today is a special day, because I am showing you guys my first Photoshop-colored picture ever! I had tried to do things a couple of times, but I had never really followed through. This one was different, though. My dear friend Jorge asked me for a picture, and I not only decided to go crazy on the topic and elements (I seem to have a weakness for Surrealism), but to color it using Photoshop. Which was kind of tricky because, as I said, I had never really done it before.
I came up with the idea for the picture quickly, and the sketch took about five minutes or so. Then, I grabbed a sheet of good paper, and drew the picture. It only took me around 45 minutes, because I can actually draw pretty fast, and then inking it only took a bit longer, maybe 70 or 75 minutes. It was coloring it that killed me. I ended up spending about 8 hours coloring it (over three days), but I have to say that I'm quite happy with the results. My favorite part is probably the guy's pants, along with the tentacle closer to us. I like the colors and the cold, bluish hue that seems to be everywhere. I'm sure professional colorists would look at this and scoff, but hey, this is my first attempt, and I think it turned out rather nicely. Let me know what you think!


Anonymous said...

Mario, your picture looks great! But you need to see it printed! I have seen it today and the result is stunning. Thanks so much for your picture,again. The magazine looks pretty professional. Next May you´ll have it in front of you to check how cool are those pants!

See ya!


Mario Alba said...

Heehee *blushes* Thanks! And I can't wait to see it in print!

alberto said...

It actually sucks....
Just kidding, no te preocupes. La verdad es que tienes razón, los pantalones vaqueros están muy conseguidos, junto con el resto del dibujo claro (de hecho, el color de los vaqueros es cagadito a unos que tengo yo de verdad).

En fin, que al final no va a hacer falta que coloree tu hermana (y que conste que lo digo como ávido lector que no puede esperar a leer el final de la historia, no porque tu hermana no coloree bien, que lo hace y mucho)

Mario Alba said...

Hahaha. Gracias, Al. No creas que no he pensado lo de colorear el cuarto número (mi hermana ya casi ha terminado el tercero), pero sólo de pensar en la de horas que tendría que invertir me acobardo. De todas formas, y dado que ya asumí las labores de entintador en los números 3 y 4, supongo que podría colorear la cuarta parte y completar así mi viaje al Lado Oscuro. La verdad es que no tengo otra cosa que hacer, y seguro que mi hermana me lo agradecería. Ya veremos...