I’ve only seen the movie once (and it was only four years ago), and, from what I remember, it’s a faithful adaptation of the book. Then again, William Goldman wrote both, so it’d be kinda hard to be otherwise.I liked the story, but my favorite part was probably all the fake real story surrounding the book, and how Goldman talked to Stephen King, and Goldman’s family –the fat kid, the bitchy wife-. They’re nicely intertwined, and even though those interludes break the pace occassionally, they’re entertaining. So, go ahead and spend some (more) time with Westley and Buttercup. It’s fun!
hmm, good to know the book is good. I've seen the movie about a million times, so I'll have to check it out. By the way, by the time you get back home, I'll be living at Ridgemont. Scary, huh??
Hey Kristin! I was missing you!
Yeah. I remember you told me you'd be living there, so I guess we're gonna be having parties every other day.
I'll be back Tuesday night, so I'll go say hi on Wednesday. Have a wonderful celebration tonight!
oh you too! I will be packing all night and then painting the new place all day tomorrow...blah...
You were in a dream of mine last night...no clue why! That's why I thought I'd pop over and leave a comment. And no, not a sex dream, you perv. Ok, maybe a sex dream. I really don't remember to be honest.
Well, have fun packing (doubtful) and painting (even more so). If I was there, I'd offer to help. What a shame...
The dream is interesting though. The reason why I was in your dream is because, subconsciously, you remembered it was my birthday, so your twisted psyche decided to invite me to celebrate it. So maybe I got some kind of present in the dream, hahahaha.
(I was of course referring to a sex-related present.)
That had to be it....hehehe. I had no idea it was your birthday! Happy birthday! You're what, 35 now? ;) You really do need a myspace or something where I can comment overload you without doing it on your blog where everything I say is totally unrelated to the subject matter.
Thanks. And yeah: 35 or something like that...
And randomness is welcome, so I don't think I need a Myspace page ;)
By the way, last week I've bought The Princess Bride (talking about the book here), not to mention The Plot To Save Socrates. Really looking forward to reading them.
Awesome! Let us know what you think of those :)
Let you know I will. Just give me a couple of months... :(
Read faster!
Only thing I can promise is that I'll do my best. At best.
Hahaha. Just take your time and enjoy the written word. It deserves it!
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