Here you have the seventh page of
Cultura de comunicaciones, the story my sister and I submitted to a comic book contest last January. This page is also heavy on text, but I really like all the illustrations. Starting with the cute blogger who may or may not be based on an actual person, I think everyone on the page looks rather neat. Somebody pointed out one of the guys in the second panel looks just like me, and I must confess he is supposed to be me. By then I was running out of ideas for different faces, so I decided to include myself as part of the crowd, so I hope you'll forgive my little homage to myself. As for the last panel, I think the guy texting while taking a dump is not only hilarious but also true to life. (Confess, you john texters!) And as an amusing side note, the bathroom is modeled after the one in my apartment. (This is what you see from inside the bathtub.) Talk about being true to life!
Muy buena esta pagina, la del baño la mejor. Esta claro que tu eres tu.
Hablando de otra cosa, el amigo Lucas ha decidido volver a reeditar SW para Blue Ray con "nuevo contenido" pero joder donde esconde todo el contenido nuevo, en un pozo sin fondo. Esto ya es atraca a mano armada con premeditación y alevosia.
Me alegro de que te guste :)
Con respecto a Lucas y la trilogía, lo que hay que hacer es no comprarla, y punto :)
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