No Reservations tells the story of two cooks, uptight, obsessive Kate (
Catherine Zeta-Jones) and easy-going, fun-loving Nick (
Aaron Eckhart), and what happens when they meet and have to work together. The movie is cute and entertaining, but is marred by an annoying
been there, done that kind of feeling. I enjoyed it, but it probably was because of the three main actors: Catherine Zeta-Jones is strong and gorgeous, Aaron Eckhart is charming and cool, and
Abigail Breslin has to be the cutest, best young actress I've ever seen. I think this is what saves a movie that completely follows the path a thousand prior romantic dramedies have trodden before it. You don't even have to see the movie to be able to name at least two major conflicts the characters will go through, and two major solutions/endings for the story. This predictability is, unfortunately, something we've seen before in hundreds of movies and I wish it was different, but it isn't, so we'll have to deal with it. And even though
No Reservations offers nothing new under the sun, I found the story and characters compelling enough to have a good time watching it. Therefore, while I won't go and say you
must see this movie, I think that many people will find it enjoyable, even if it's just as a rental.
Well, at first sight it doesn't seem a very interesting movie. It's not that I don't like romantic dramedies (what's the other way to say that? comas?), but mainly that I'm not very fond of predictable stories.
I'll watch it if I cross paths with it, but I'm for sure not renting it. Let's not say paying a big screen ticket, of course.
Comas, hahaha. As I said, you won't be missing much. Cute but predictable, but in a less annoying way than Must love Dogs, for instance.
The only thing I know about these film (apart from the actors) is that it is a remake of a German film and CZJ's role was played by the actress in The Lives of Others (Great film, by the way)
Hala, ya está...
¿Pero que películas me vais a ver al cine?
¿Pero que bodrios sois capaces de aguantar todo por ver a la suculenta Sra. de Douglas?
Cuando el desficio os ataque y os veais obligados a ver morralla de este tipo, os vais a vuestro video club y os meteis "Los 7 Samurais" o "Dersu Uzala" de Kurosawa.
Ya vereis que bien estais por la mañana...
Lo tendré en cuenta, Quique, aunque yo el videoclub lo piso poco. Aunque anoche, precisamente, estuve viendo Renaissance, que llevaba un año queriéndola ver, hasta que por fin la han sacado aquí en DVD.
Alberto: The Lives of Others, never seen it, but I'll keep that title in mind.
Quique, perdona mi alarmante falta de vocabulario, ¿pero qué leches es un desficio? Además, el que va a ver esas películas al cine es Fel, que por eso siempre descubre alguna joya que otra. Con la cantidad de metraje que se traga, es simple cuestión de probabilidades. Dicho esto, habla la envidia, porque ya me gustaría hacer lo mismo que él, la verdad.
Y sobre Kurosawa, debo decir que disfruto igual con una película suya que con una de Fellini, pero hay un momento para todo. Ayer mismo estuve viendo Win a Date With Tad Hamilton!. Predecible como pocas películas se han visto, pero sí que me gustó. O será que yo soy raro, porque me lo pasé pipa en la maratón de películas de Chiquito de la Calzada que hice hace un tiempo con unos amigos.
Ah, y, Fel, háblanos de Renaissance, porque tiene una pinta estupenda.
Me había puesto a comentar Renaissance, pero creo que voy a explayarme un poco más y usar la excusa para poner un post nuevo mañana o pasado, hehehe ;)
Pues, como no podía ser de otra manera, esperamos ansiosamente esa review, Fel.
Pronto, pronto.
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