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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Will it be it?

This Is It opens today, and for those of you who have been living under a rock for the past few months, this is the movie made out of the footage that was recorded during Michael Jackson's rehearsals for his series of concerts that never happened. These are, in fact, the last images of Jackson singing and dancing before his death last June.

My question to you is: how much money do you think this movie is going to make? It is supposed to be in theaters for only two weeks, but the producers said they might extend it if the movie is successful. If the movie is successful? I don't know about you, guys, but I think this movie is going to make a ridiculous amount of money. People are going to rush to the theater in droves to see this film, both because he had lots of fans, and because tons of people will want to see his last performance before his untimely death. If you don't believe me, all I need to do is remind you of the colossal success The Dark Knight turned out to be. And yes, you could argue that was a great movie, and you'll get no argument from me, but we all know the death of Heath Ledger earlier in the year added a spectacular amount of money to the final tally.

Now, I don't think This Is It will get anywhere near The Dark Knight's final box office ($533 million domestically, and $468 million internationally), but I think it will easily make $150 million, and I wouldn't be surprised it if broke the $200 million mark domestically in its first (and maybe only) two weeks in theaters. Internationally, I would say about twice that, at least, but we will see.

So what do you think? Care to play this game and throw in your two cents? How much money do you think This Is It will make? The winner gets… hmmm… I don't know… some kind of present!


Anonymous said...

I've heard that the promotoers of the concert were barely going to break even from the concerts themselves because of the expense of the concert itslef. Michael has lots of costumes and perfromers and techonology for each song. But the promoters always knew the movie of the "behind the scenes" stuff would make them a profit. Michael's death just amplified that demand for this movie. I say half a million worldwide before it's done.

Mario Alba said...

I know you meant half a Billion, hahaha. I think it's entirely possible, yes.

Nash said...

Hay mucho seguidor fanatico que vera la peli unas cuantas veces, y piensa que no les ha costado practicamente nada grabarla, ya que son ensayos, asi que le van a sacar una rentabilidad brutal.
No entiendo muy bien la maniobra de tenerla solo dos semanas pero los ejecutivos sabran. Yo como comprenderas no ire, aunque si que me guste mucho la musica de Michael

Anonymous said...

En mi opinión, la maniobra de tenerla en cartelera dos semanas es porque, asumámoslo, después de la segunda semana no iba a ir a verla nadie, excepto algún fanático que quiera batir algún récord.

La muerte de Jackson, que desde luego ha sido un hito histórico, y como Fel dice es la única razón por la que mucha gente irá a ver el film. Vamos, que si hubieran estrenado esto con Jackson aún vivo y coleante, habrían quitado la película de las salas antes de que muchos nos hubiéramos enterado de que la estrenaban. Toda esa gente que va a ver la peli por el morbo, lo harán durante las dos primeras semanas. Luego el efecto novedad se evapora.

Vamos, que limitando a dos semanas la permanencia del documental en cartel evitan un fracaso a largo plazo, se aseguran de que durante catorce días van a llenar las salas, e incluso llaman la atención de gente que de otro modo no pagaría por verla en pantalla grande.

Además, no me extrañaría que si cuando se cumpla el plazo la cosa les ha ido bien, lo prorroguen alguna semana más.

Mario Alba said...

Estoy totalmente de acuerdo, Hal. ¿Te animas a predecir recaudaci´´on?

Anonymous said...

Pues no sé. ¿125 millones en los USA, 400 worldwide? Hablando en dólares, claro.

Mario Alba said...

Suena razonable.