Me gusta leer y ver la tele

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Let me spell it out for you, just in case the title of today's post doesn't convey what I thought of the new Star Trek movie: it was incredible. Granted, I am not a fan of the show, and I really had no expectations whatsoever, something, as we have already discussed several times, that can severely affect your opinion of a movie. Not knowing what to expect, I went to The Rave, and that's when I was blown away.

J.J. Abrams's Star Trek is a rollercoaster of a movie. There's never a dull moment, never a time to catch your breath. If the characters aren't busy fighting, running away from something, trying to figure something out, or struggling to surmount whatever obstacle hinders their way, then they are busy shooting quick-fire dialogue that is funny, witty, and very well written. (Props to Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman.) The movie feels fresh and radiates energy and just plain fun from beginning to end.

As for the actors, I thought the cast was perfect. Chris Pine is great as young, horndog Kirk; Zachary Quinto does a terrific job as the troubled Spock; Karl Urban is a great McCoy; Uhura (Zoe Saldana) is smart and incredibly hot; Sulu (John Cho) is surprisingly capable; and Chekov's accent (Anton Yelchin) is hilarious. And talking about hilarious, Simon Pegg as Scotty steals the show.

I also liked many aspects of the plot, but since this is a spoiler-free review, I won't say anything in that regard, other than the movie was supremely entertaining, and every element worked beautifully and added to the overall excitement and enjoyment and (again) fun. So there you go. I never thought I'd rave about a Star Trek movie, but J.J. Abrams has really knocked it out of the park. Go see this movie!


Nash said...

Tiene muy buena pinta esta entrega de Star Trek, siempre me gusto la serie, sigo sin comprender por que no te puede gustar Star Trek y StarWars al mismo tiempo. Espero ver la peli pronto.

Mario Alba said...

Ya nos dirás qué te parece la peli cuando la veas :)

Anonymous said...

A ver si ves la peli pronto, Nash, y la comentas tu tambien. No es que necesite una segunda opinion para ir a verla al cine o algo (que no voy a), pero tengo curiosidad.

Por cierto, ¿que tal Sylar haciendo de Spock?

Nash said...

Pues creo que tardare en verla Halagan ya que en Barcelona no tengo a nadie con quien ir a ver este tipo de pelis :-(

Mario Alba said...

Zachary Quinto hace un papel estupendo como Spock, aunque no sé si mejor o peor que en Heroes, dado que no veo la serie.

Y Nash, no hay nada de malo en ir solo al cine a ver una peli ;)

Anonymous said...

Totalmente de acuerdo con Fel. Pero que nada de malo.

Nash said...

Es muy triste ir al cine solo, que lo he hecho alguna vez, pero en mi estado animico prefiero no hacerlo.

Mario Alba said...

De triste nada, pero bueno... Triste es perderte una peli que realmente quieres ver...