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Saturday, September 05, 2009

A Movie I Love

I really don't know why I like The Butterfly Effect so much. Or maybe I do. Let's see… There's time-traveling, time-continuum paradoxes, compelling characters, and a poor guy so in love with the girl of his dreams he keeps changing history to ensure she has the best possible life. Only, it doesn't quite happen like that the first time. Or the second time. Or the third time.

I watched this movie about five years ago, and I had such fond memories of it that I bought it on DVD when I recently found it on sale. I immediately watched it again, and I liked it even more than I remembered. Time traveling aside, I think the reason why this movie speaks to me is because Evan (Ashton Kutcher) tries so hard to make things right for everyone. He is so in love with Kayleigh (Amy Smart) he will do anything to give her the life he thinks she deserves, and the consequences for him, for her, and for their small circle of friends and family tend to be catastrophic.

I know this is a small, unpretentious movie, but I find it tremendously powerful and incredibly compelling. I was glued to the couch as I watched it, and it is one of those movies I could watch once a month and immensely enjoy every time. Therefore, if you still haven't seen it, I urge you to rent it despite any misgivings you might have about the main character. If you aren't moved by it or find it preposterous, then come back and call me weird, and I'll try to figure out what's wrong with you.

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