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Monday, December 26, 2011

Top 5 Reads of 2011

It's been a while since I've made a list of things I like, so here you have the five reads I have enjoyed the most in 2011:

1. Bakuman
I have only read the first four volumes, but I can say this series is what I have enjoyed reading the most this year. And I know it's not a book, so sue me.

2. Changes
The twelfth book in The Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher is an awesome read, just like the previous eleven. Here you have my original praise for it.

3. Full Dark, No Stars
Everybody knows I love Stephen King, and this collection of four novellas I originally discussed here was a blast to read.

4. Keys to the Demon Prison
The last book in the Fablehaven series was a great way to close the saga. I already told you about it here, but don't take my word for it and read it for yourselves.

5. The Last Olympian
The last book in the Percy Jackson & The Olympians series was as much fun as the previous four, and you need to start reading these novels if you haven't already, because you're in for a treat.

And that's it for this year. I realize four out of my five picks are series, two of them finite, two of them open-ended, which is not only interesting but must also mean something that escapes me. In any case, here's to hoping that 2012 brings lots of good reading material!


Nash said...

jajaja me acuerdo cuando los tops eran de diez, como se nota que este año has leído bastante menos que otros años.

Mario Alba said...

Hahaha. Es verdad, es verdad. Ya que sacas el tema, he leído sólo 29 libros este año, y estoy a mitad del trigésimo: el popular La catedral del mar, de Ildefonso Falcones. Podría haber hecho el top de 10, pero poner un tercio de todas mis lecturas me parecía excesivo, hahaha.

Anonymous said...

Después de leer tus comentarios sobre la serie, estaba cantado que Bakuman iba a copar el primer puesto en la lista. Sobre el resto, no puedo decir mucho aparte de que Stephen King mola, que tengo unas ganas horribles de seguir leyendo los libros de Dresden, y que no me leería los libros de Percy Jackson ni aunque me pagaran: es la secuela previsible que me dejó ver primero la película.

Mario Alba said...

Bakuman es la leche; y es una lástima que la película te estropeara la serie de Percy Jackson, porque los libros son entretenidísimos y adictivos como ellos solos. En fin...