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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Spectacular Adventures

Would you think I'm crazy if I claimed The Adventures of Tintin might just be the best movie I've seen this year? I've only read a couple volumes of the comic book series, and I remember watching one or two animated features back when I was little, but that's pretty much all the contact I've ever had with the character. Put it another way, I am not exactly a fan of the character, which means I wasn't predisposed to liking this movie no matter what. However, Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson are two of today's most acclaimed directors and producers for a reason, and it shows. The Adventures of Tintin is a rollercoaster of a movie in the best Spielbergian tradition (it reminded me of Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade quite a bit), and the action scenes are wildly imaginative and superbly choreographed. Both characters and dialogue are great, and, along with the action, they all serve a fun, intriguing story that takes you from one place to another, from one extreme situation to the next without giving you time to breathe. By the end of the movie, I was exhausted and exhilarated, and I was overcome with joy and happiness about how much fun I had just had. I could have walked back into the theater and watched the movie a second time, I kid you not. Except for A Game of Shadows, I hadn't had this much fun at the movie theater in a really long time, so, if you are looking for a movie to make you forget about the world outside for a couple of hours, do yourself a favor and go see The Adventures of Tintin. You won't regret it!


Nash said...

A mi me gusto pero tampoco la vi tan impresionante como dice la gente. Hacen un mezclote de libros que te cagas y eso para los seguidores de esta saga no termina de gustar.

Mario Alba said...

He leído uno de los tres libros en que está basada la película, y debo decir que, sin conocer dos tercios del material original, la historia que se presenta en el film tiene sentido completo y unidad y no parece estar hecha de retales en absoluto. En cuanto al resto de elementos, son todos magníficos. Película del año, Nash. Película del año! ;)

Nash said...

La pelicula tiene un sentido completo pero sigue siendo un mezclote de libros. Con la mierda de peliculas de este año, normal que esta sea de las mejores.

Mario Alba said...

Si tomamos, como debemos, la película como entidad independiente, el que hayan combinado varios libros no afecta a la calidad de la misma. Además, tal vez deba señalar que la peli está basada en "las aventuras de Tintín," no en un libro concreto. Por tanto, que hayan cogido elementos de distintas aventuras no está fuera de lugar :)

Y hablando de las pelis que han salido este año, estoy escribiendo mi Top 10 de este año, a ver qué os parece...