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Saturday, July 18, 2009

I'll Sleep When I'm Dead

You probably know about The Bucket List, the film directed by Rob Reiner that came out last year. Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson play a couple of guys who, according to their doctors, only have six months to live. Since Nicholson has a lot of money (ironically, he owns the hospital in which he is being treated), they decide to go and do everything they always wanted to do before they died.

The acting is great, and the movie is both funny and deeply moving, with one solid scene after another. We all know how the story is going to end, but there are a few surprises waiting for you nonetheless, so go ahead and check it out if you haven't already. You will not regret it.


Nash said...

Esta peli me gusto mucho cuando la vi en el tren, la única manera de ponerme al dia con las pelis que no he visto en cine, y me gusto mucho, los dos actores son geniales.

Mario Alba said...

Me alegro de que te gustara, y de que pasaras un rato entretenido en el tren con una película que no diera saltos, hehehe.

Nash said...

La verdad es que es de agradecer poder ver una peli sin problemas en el tren, los dos últimos viajes no pudo ser.