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Friday, February 17, 2012

The Series Has Landed

After an unexpectedly-long hiatus that lasted for over two months, I finally got around to reading the fifth volume of Bakuman, and I guess you guys won't be surprised to hear it was awesome. Mashiro and Takagi have finally made it to the pages of Shonen Jump, and their series, Detective Trap, is being serialized in the pages of the famous magazine. This success brings nothing but trepidation, fear, stress, and a whole new set of problems and worries, so our heroes cannot enjoy their success for more than a couple of minutes. And on top of that, their friends/rivals also get their series started, so everybody is out to beat everybody else.

As usual, this volume was very exciting to read, and I enjoyed every single page. The great story by Tsugumi Ohba had me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end, worrying Trap would be cancelled, and horrified to see it ranking lower and lower. I kept feeling for the main characters, hoping they would succeed, and worried and afraid that it might not be the case. In one word, reading this book unleashes an emotional roller coaster inside of me that keeps me turning page after page, and returning volume after volume. It's a good thing volume six is already on my shelf!


Anonymous said...

Palabras mayores, Fel. Supongo que buena parte del éxito que tiene Bakuman contigo está muy relacionado con cómo te identificas con los personajes. Por lo de querer publicar cómics y eso.

Aún así la serie tiene que ser buena de narices, si le dedicas tan buenas palabras. Así que me da que me la voy a acabar leyendo. Apuntada está, al menos.

Mario Alba said...

Sin duda, mi amor por la serie tiene que ver con el mundillo del arte y los comics. Sin embargo, siento especial debilidad por historias cuya temática se centra en perseguir tus sueños y trabajar duro para alcanzarlos, tema este central en la serie. ¿Cómo podría no gustarme?

Comentarios sobre el sexto volumen muy pronto!

Nash said...

Bueno pues si se los compra Halagan ya no tendre que hacerlo yo y asi tengo una excusa más para ir a visitarle :-)

Mario Alba said...

Muy conveniente, desde luego :)

Anonymous said...

Bueno, técnicamente yo no he dicho que me los vaya a comprar...


Mario Alba said...

Hahahaha. Excelente matización, Hal.