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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Blackest Night

I just finished Black Magic Sanction, the eighth book in the Rachel Morgan series by Kim Harrison, and I enjoyed it as much as the previous seven. My dear friend Nash would have hated it, because Rachel keeps trusting the wrong people and having issues killing the bad guys, who she'd rather defeat without having to bury their bodies; but for those of us who like both Rachel and the rest of the cast, this book was a blast. I already have the next volume, Pale Demon, waiting on the shelf, and I can't wait to read it!


Nash said...

Dios mio la detective llorona que se enamora de vampiros asesinos tiene nuevo libro. Lo siento Finn pero no te creo, seguro que es igual de desesperante que los anteriores.

Mario Alba said...

Justo lo que he dicho en la entrada :)

Nash said...


Anonymous said...

¿Pero ya van por los nueve libros? Y yo con los dos primeros en casa.

¿Por qué me meto donde me meto, oh Dios mío?

Mario Alba said...

Y el décimo sale en hardcover en cuestión de semanas :)

Anonymous said...

Muchas gracias, Kim Harrison.