Me gusta leer y ver la tele

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Halfway Through

You guys already know I bought The X-Files in July, and I've been compulsively watching the show ever since. Well, I recently finished season four, which means I'm almost halfway through the complete series (there are nine seasons). Therefore, I think this is a good time to stop, take a look back at what I've watched so far, and highlight my four favorite episodes from each one of the four seasons. I'll be brief so as to elicit memories if you've seen the episode, but without spoiling too much.

Season 1
The X-Files: Pilot: in which our heroes are introduced.
Eve: Creepy little girls that look the same all over the country. It can't be good!
Tooms: the squeezable killer is back on parole!
The Erlenmeyer Flask: it's a conspiracy, baby!

Season 2
Red Museum: a creepy town with creepy people being creepy.
Die Hand Die Verletzt: Satan-worshipping kids and evil teachers.
Humbug: a town populated by freaks is being decimated by a crawling killer. I love this episode!
Our Town: is chicken all these people are eating?

Season 3
Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose: a psychic foretells Mulder's death... and a lemon pie.
War of the Coprophages: killer cockroaches and a scientist with a killer body named Bambi!
Pusher: a killer that's able to control people's behavior with his mind.
Jose Chung's From Outer Space: a funny, quirky episode with lots of humor, aliens, and a cover-up.

Season 4
Memento Mori: Mulder tries to find a cure for Scully's illness.
Synchrony: People frozen to death with an agent that hasn't been invented yet.
Small Potatoes: kids with tails are born and Luke Skywalker is to blame! Hilarious.
Zero-Sum: Skinner destroying evidence pits him against Mulder. Skinner is such an awesome character!

Only five more seasons to go, so look for the second post in this series in early 2008!


Anonymous said...

Bueeeno, muy atractivas amén de breves sinopsis. Ahora tengo ganas de ver X-Files. :(

Mario Alba said...

Gran serie. Después de un parón de dos o tres semanas, ayer empecé la quinta. Qué gran serie...